I keep telling myself that I want to be better about writing blog posts. Not for nothing, I probably have 5 or 6 drafted in notes in my phone that I just need to copy/paste and share it! I do actually love to write and I think I hold off on posting because I feel it needs to be lengthy and detailed and I need to add great descriptions. I am realizing that sometimes shorter is sweeter and to simply share the story as it is meant to be told!
Many of you know that I spent 7 months traveling abroad in 2018, primarily in Europe but also spent a week in Morocco. Considering my long trip, I couldn’t well carry souvenirs from each destination unless I was mailing packages back home. Depending on where you are shipping from, this can be incredibly costly! I tried to ship a 10 pound box home from London and it was almost $180. I had some anxiety after I left the post office and ended up going back to collect it and asked for a refund. I made up a story that I forgot to include some things and would re-pack it and come back. Geez! I did ship a similarly sized box home from Prague that cost me around $30. The box arrived home in pieces but everything was inside!
What I did end up collecting were postcards. They are small enough that a few from each destination doesn’t take up too much space or added weight to my bags. I have held onto this stack of them for quite a while now, wondering what I would ever do with them. I wrote and mailed a few while I was abroad, wish I was a bit more consistent about it.
A friend of mine started #the100dayproject and decided to write a post card a day for 100 days. While I missed the start to this project, I am copying the idea and doing my own version and calling it #100daysofpostcards.
Want a postcard? Let me know! DM me on Instagram, facebook, or send me an e-mail (mk@michaelkamens.com). Also, if you aren’t already, please follow my personal account (@mkontheroad) and my business account (@MKLuxLife) on Instagram.
Check your mailboxes soon! Postcards coming out soon!